• Yuriy Horbachenko Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety Named after Chernobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Defense in Ukraine
  • Iuliia Panimash Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety Named after Chernobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Defense in Ukraine
  • Serhiy Tarasov Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety Named after Chernobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Defense in Ukraine
Keywords: optimization, civil protection, public administration, public-private partnership


The current stage of development of Ukraine has set before the theory and practice of public administration the task of optimizing the system of civil protection. Due to imperfect management of the civil protection system, insufficient activities of central and local executive bodies to ensure the implementation of civil protection policy, the effectiveness of emergency response remains low, which has repeatedly drawn the attention of both experts and leading scientists on this issue. That is why the development of scientifically sound ways to optimize the civil defense system is an urgent scientific problem.

The purpose of the work was to consider the features of optimization of the civil protection system of Ukraine, to outline promising areas for improving public administration in this area.

The strategic directions of development of civil protection of the System of emergency assistance to the population by a single telephone number 112 and the system of centralized notification of the population in case of emergencies were analyzed. The system of professional training of the personnel of the civil defense service is revealed. Increased requirements for the professional readiness of future employees of the civil protection service due to the complication of the domestic political situation in the country encourage the search for new approaches to the organization of professional training in higher educational institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. They face complex challenges due to certain factors. The introduction of public-private partnership mechanisms for emergency prevention and response is also a priority for optimizing the management of civil protection processes and allows to increase the preparedness of the population and industrial facilities for emergencies.
