• Valeriia NEKORA Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety Named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine
  • Serhii POZDIEIEV Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Olga NEKORA Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Svitlana FEDCHENKO Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Vadym Nizhnyk Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Taras SHNAL Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: modeling, enclosing building structures, glazing, fire resistance limit, calculation method, heat resistance


The article provides data on mathematical modeling of the behavior of a glass
panel under the conditions of its one-sided heating according to the standard fire
temperature regime. In the mathematical model of the glass panel under conditions of
thermal influence, the process of heat transfer was reproduced based on the use of the
non-stationary heat conduction equation. The stress-strain state of the glass panel was
considered using the finite element method. The thermal effect was also combined with
the mechanical stress due to the excess pressure that can occur in the room where the
fire originates and develops. To study the propagation of cracks in glass, the strength
criterion according to the Johnson-Holmquist model was applied. As a result of
mathematical modeling, results that show the high efficiency and informativeness of the
proposed approach were obtained. At the same time, data on the dynamics of the
formation and propagation of cracks in the glass panel under conditions of heating
according to the standard fire temperature regime were obtained. It is shown that the
glass panel is destroyed due to the formation of a system of branched cracks, which is
confirmed by empirical experience. As a result of conducting a numerical study of the
behavior of the glass panel under heating conditions under the influence of the standard
temperature regime of the fire, the onset of the limit state of loss of fire resistance based
on integrity was obtained. It is shown that the fire resistance is lost if the glass panel is
destroyed for 5 minutes under the influence of the standard fire temperature regime.
