• Vasyl HOLINKO National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"
  • Dmytro RADCHUK National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"
  • Serhii CHEBERIACHKO National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"
  • Mykola NAUMOV National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"
  • Bohdan KRAVCHENKO National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"
  • Oleh DERYUGIN National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"
Keywords: Risk assessment, RPE, , hazardous event, operational risk magnitude, risk priority number magnitude


For assessing the risks of hazardous events at gas stations, the "HAZOP" and
"FMEA" methods were chosen because they complement each other well and allow for
detailed analysis of each stage of the production process to identify hazards and assess
the overall system's operability.
An analysis of nonconformities during the operation of respirators was
conducted based on the requirements of Commission Communiqué 89/C 328/02
(Official Journal of the European Communities No. C 328). A method for evaluating
operational risks of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) was developed, consisting
of four steps: identifying nonconformities or defects, determining the magnitude of
operational risk, assessing the risk priority number, and justifying preventive measures.
It was proposed to use the "HAZOP" method for identifying nonconformities or defects,
which allows qualitatively identifying the relationship between nonconformity,
hazardous events, and the consequences regarding the loss of RPE protective
effectiveness through the use of keywords. The "FMEA" method was proposed for
evaluating the magnitude of operational risk, as it allows for identifying
nonconformities or defects during RPE operation.
The scientific novelty lies in establishing operational risk through the risk
priority number, which is determined considering the identification of nonconformities
or defects during the operation of respiratory protective equipment.
The practical value lies in developing a new approach for evaluating
operational risks using a combination of the "HAZOP" and "FMEA" methods, which
improves the accuracy of the assessment and provides more detailed recommendations
to prevent the loss of protective effectiveness of respiratory protective equipment during
