• Vasyl Lushch Lviv State University of Life Safety
  • Volodymyr-Petro Lviv State University of Life Safety
  • Dmytro Kolesov Lviv State University of Life Safety
  • Bohdan Romanyk Lviv State University of Life Safety
Keywords: ire-fighting in rural areas, adaptation, domestic pumping units


The dynamics of the average number of fires, died people as a result of fires at the time of arrival of the first fire and rescue unit in Ukraine is analysed. According to the normative document, the estimated time of free development of a fire taking into account time of following divisions on a fire in countryside is considered. Detected that the standard of arrival of state fire and rescue units (units) to the place of call in rural areas is 20 minutes. However, such a normative indicator does not take into account the planning, topographic characteristics of the settlement, the condition of roads, seasons, traffic intensity, the state of firefighting equipment. Therefore, the problems of firefighting in rural areas need to be addressed urgently.

Based on the calculation of the duration of the free development of the fire, at the time of arrival of the personnel of the regular guard of the fire and rescue unit in rural areas determined the projected average temperature in the room. The activity of voluntary fire protection in Ukraine is analysed, in accordance with the response to emergencies and fires in rural areas. Problems affecting the effectiveness of voluntary fire protection in rural areas have been identified, namely the need to increase the level of training and technical equipment of volunteers, develop a mechanism for their motivation, as well as the need to resolve these issues at the legislative level.

To achieve this goal, a number of methods were used, in particular, system, theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, comparative, statistical.

To solve this problem, it is proposed to adapt domestic pumping units for fire-fighting in rural areas, which allows if not to extinguish the fire at the initial stage, at least to localize it before the arrival of fire and rescue units of the SES of Ukraine. The choice of the type of drainage and faecal pumps for fire-fighting purposes in rural areas is substantiated and their shortcomings are revealed. An example of operative deployment of an adapted drainage and faecal pump is given.
