• Nikulin O. Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Kravchenko N. Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Dobriak D Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Krikun O. Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
Keywords: easily dumped structures, parameters of easily dumped structures, statistical data, explosion protection


This article provides statistics on fires in Ukraine and around the world, as well as the number of fires accompanied by an explosion. Provided that a fire is accompanied by an explosion, the level of socio-economic losses becomes the greatest. This situation tends to increase due to the increase in the number of explosive industries, in particular in the field of energy, fuel processing, fuel-saving, chemical enterprises, as well as enterprises of agro-industrial, food and woodworking complexes. For industrial buildings, where explosions of combustible mixtures are possible, along with measures to prevent them, measures are taken to protect people, equipment and building structures in the event of an explosion inside the building. The most common places of occurrence of fires caused by an explosion at industrial facilities and structures are the roof, roof and the main production area.

The most common situations that lead to the ignition of flammable substances in industrial buildings, as a rule, are the depressurization of equipment with the formation of gas-air mixtures, an emergency spill of a flammable liquid with the formation of vapor-air mixtures, the accumulation of dust on the surfaces of structures and equipment with the formation of a dust-air mixture.

According to the current regulatory documents, premises of categories A and B should be provided with external as easy-to-drop construction. Usually, glazing of windows and skylights should be used as easy-to-drop construction. In case of insufficient glazing area, it is allowed to use coatings made of steel and aluminum sheets and insulation as easy-to-drop construction. The essence of which is that it is necessary to provide for such a number of holes in the enclosing structures of the object, which will ensure the outflow of the required amount of combustion products due to their opening at a relatively small excess pressure, which is safe for the main (supporting) structures.

It was found that the assessment of the parameters of the LSC is based on 2 conditions, the overpressure of the explosion and the area of ​​the LSC.

The purpose of this study is to indicate the relevance of explosion protection of industrial buildings, to consider the main causes of situations that result in explosions. Consideration of types of easy-to-drop construction and their main parameters.

It is noted that there are design solutions for the most LSCs, but the issue of their placement in explosive and fire-hazardous buildings, the search for the most optimal characteristics, combinations of various types of LSCs at one protection object, etc. require further research.
