• Мaria Kutsenko Cherkasy institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • George Yelagin Cherkasy institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Аnatoly Alekseev Cherkasy institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Оlena Alekseeva Cherkasy institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
Keywords: technical and economic analysis, liquid combustion, reservoir surface, material losses, extinguishing costs, inhibition, carriers, fire-extinguishing salts, immobilization


The analysis of potential losses from fires of flammable liquids spilled on the surface of the reservoir and the costs of extinguishing such fires was carried out. Considered material losses, losses from damage to the environment and costs for extinguishing the fire. At the same time, the cases of complete burnout of the combustible liquid, extinguishing the fire with air-mechanical foam and extinguishing it with fire extinguishing agents, which are a porous medium with fire-extinguishing salts adsorbed in the pores, were considered. The introductory part highlights the problem of extinguishing such fires and the purpose of the analysis. When presenting the main material, the proposed fire model is described, which represents the burning of 20,000 tons of oil on the surface of the reservoir; and seven cases of cessation of combustion. Namely: complete burnout of spilled oil; cessation of combustion with air-mechanical foam after burning of 90%, 50% and 20% of oil; cessation of combustion after burning out the same 90%, 50% and 20% oil by means that are a porous medium with fire-extinguishing salts adsorbed in the pores. It was found that with passive expectation of complete burnout of such amount of oil, the amount of material and environmental losses will amount to UAH 500.1447 million. When extinguishing a fire with air-mechanical foam, the amount of losses and costs will be: when 90% of oil is burned - UAH 452.6561 million, when 50% of oil is burned - UAH 257.7023 million, when 10% of oil is burned - UAH 113.7257 million. UAH Extinguishing with the use of means based on a porous medium with fire-extinguishing salts adsorbed in the pores will allow to reduce the amount of losses and expenses to: in case of burnout of 90% of oil - UAH 450.1922 million, in case of burnout of 50% of oil - UAH 250.3826 million, in case of burnout 10% of oil - UAH 100.550357 million.
