• Larisa Khatkova Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Victoria Dagil Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Ilya Dagil Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko
Keywords: gas and oil industry, pyrophoric deposits, auto-ignition, oil tank, fire, repeatability, risk, Poisson distribution


After the extraction of oil, its processing and the production of various liquid petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricants and various solvents), there is a significant need for their temporary storage with subsequent sale to consumers. For this purpose, special complex facilities are being created, which ensure not only the temporary preservation of oil and oil products, but also their reception from producers and sale to consumers.

A large amount of flammable substances stored in tanks creates a high fire hazard in tank farms. Fires that occur cause significant material damage and often lead to the death of people/

Currently, a lot of attention is paid to fire prevention and emergency prevention. The oil and gas industry is one of the areas where events occur with a high frequency and where almost all facilities are classified as dangerous production facilities. One of the causes of fires and accidents in the oil and gas industry: self-ignition of pyrophoric deposits, which accounts for 12.8% of the total number of ignition sources.

Most of the fires due to spontaneous ignition of pyrophoric deposits occur in spring and autumn, when cleaning is carried out in the vertical steel tanks for the storage of oil and petroleum products.

The increased danger of maintaining tank and other equipment in the presence of pyrophoric deposits on their walls requires the use of a set of measures that ensure, on the one hand, the prevention of their spontaneous ignition, and on the other hand, the prevention of situations where an explosion and fire could occur when pyrophoric deposits igniteю.

At paper quantitative evaluation of the risk of fires on vertical stainless tanks for contain oil and petroleum products from auto-ignition of pyrophoric deposits is given. The statistics on fires in tanks for contain oil and petroleum products from auto-ignition of pyrophoric deposits and distribution of fires by months from 2012 to 2022 are presented. Data are given about the period of the most frequent occurrence of fires in oil tank from the spontaneous combustion of pyrophoric deposits after the elimination of the previous fire in the oil tank for the same reason.

The obtained risk values ​​indicate the need for preventive measures in months such as February, April, May, June, and September. Special attention should be paid to fire prevention in May, as the value of fire risk on tanks due to spontaneous ignition of pyrophoric deposits is 0.9966, which indicates a high frequency of fires in this month according to the obtained values.
