• Vasyl Lushch Lviv State University of Life Safety
  • Oleksandr Lazarenko Lviv State University of Life Safety
Keywords: tactical ventilation, types of tactical ventilation, anti-ventilation, hydraulic ventilation


During a fire, the main danger for civilians and firefighters is the release of combustion products, which requires additional measures by fire and rescue units. Smoke removal in a fire is a complex and necessary task, the proper implementation of which reduces the risk of poisoning by combustion products, the intensity of the spread of combustion and improves the overall conditions of a fire. However, the key task for fire and rescue units during ventilation on fire is the right choice of methods and means for the implementation of smoke removal.

The paper analyses modern approaches and types of ventilation on fire in the fence. The stages of fire development in the fence are presented and the main factors influencing them are determined in order to substantiate the need for the use and application of modern approaches to fire ventilation.

Using the obtained results of analytical research the block diagram of possible ways of realization of tactical ventilation on fire is offered. At the same time, the use of the term "tactical ventilation" on fire is justified because the latter is used in the terminology of the European Union, the United States and more accurately reflects the causes and consequences of its use. The types of tactical ventilation on fires that are not actually used today and are not disclosed in domestic literature sources, and accordingly are not used during fire fighting, are considered.

According to the results of the work, the prospects of further research are determined, in which it is necessary to consider in detail the issues of conducting and effectiveness of anti-ventilation and hydraulic ventilation on fire. The conducted research should be the basis for the development of Guidelines for tactical ventilation in these two ways in buildings and structures in firefighting and emergency response.
