• Andrii Kovalov Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Maksym Bondarenko Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Petro ZAYIKA Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
Keywords: fire resistance, fire resistance assessment method, fire-resistant coatings, fire-resistant building structures, fire temperature regimes, thermo physical characteristics


A mathematical model for evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures has been developed, which includes the following stages: selection of the formalization apparatus, construction of the external description, verification of the model's operability, construction of the internal state, verification of operability, and identification of parameters. Formulated initial and boundary conditions during the construction of the specified models, which allow predicting the fire resistance of a fire-resistant reinforced concrete structure with sufficient accuracy for engineering calculations. On the basis of the developed mathematical model, a calculation-experimental method for evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures has been developed. The algorithm of application of the proposed method is considered, a description of its implementation procedures is given. Using the method, it is possible to evaluate the fire resistance of both unprotected and fire-protected reinforced concrete structures, take into account the properties of the construction material and the material of the fire-resistant coating. The evaluation algorithm includes the implementation of experimental and calculation procedures when determining the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures. The performance of the proposed method was verified when identifying the relationship between the parameters of the passive fire-resistant plaster coating and the fire resistance of the fire-resistant multi-hollow reinforced concrete floor.

A structural and logical scheme for ensuring the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures has been developed on the basis of the proposed mathematical model and the calculation-experimental method of evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures.
